The Vispring Bedstead Supreme mattress offers supreme support and a reassuringly resilient sensation. The mattress is filled with the finest natural fillings that supply optimum ventilation to ensure an untroubled night's rest. This is a mattress that will retain its look and feel perfectly for many years to come.
Luxurious British Fleece Wool
The mattress is tailor-made, by hand, for you and features layer upon layer of luxurious British fleece wool, cotton and long-stranded horsehair. This mix of quality natural fillings guarantees incredible comfort, while the unique Vispring six-coil pocket springs are placed under tension in calico pockets, to provide support from the moment your body touches the Vispring Bedstead Supreme mattress.
The mattress contains 1476* pocket springs, 51mm in diameter, sewn into individual calico pockets and hand formed into a honeycomb-nested unit. It is upholstered with a wool spring protector pad, then 1,000gsm of bonded British fleece wool and cotton, plus 1,200gsm long-stranded horsehair, enclosed in a hair-proof cambric cover and finally overlaid with 1,200gsm blended British fleece wool and cotton.
The Vispring Bedstead Supreme Mattress, Built to Last
This is all wrapped in your choice of the finest Belgian ticking from the Vispring collection, this mattress is hand tufted with felt washers and benefits from two rows of genuine hand side stitching with flax twine.
This gives the mattress an exquisite, tailored finish, but more importantly it gives supportive strength to the mattress edges that lesser beds need a metal rod to achieve.